Features of TradeGenie

  1. No coding required
    You need not have knowledge of coding to use our trading system
  2. No Software to download
    Our system is cloud hosted. You need not download any software and try to understand how to use it. You are saved from spending huge amounts for the software
  3. Your amount stays with your broker
    You need not transfer any money to our account. Your money stays with your broker. We use API to communicate with your broker account. You have ownership of shares or futures/options you buy
  4. Dedicated botsYou need not keep tracking the rates of the stocks in your portfolio. Based on your strategy,our bots work with your holdings/positions. It continuously monitors the current rates and acts accordingly.
  5. No anxiety
    We are often disturbed when the share price goes down. As the decisions are taken by the bots we can avoid emotions.
  6. Make money when market is down also
    There are three kinds of strategies. Some work when the market is bullish. Some are effective when the market is bearish. Some work when the market is neutral, often described as side ways. Based on our expectation we can choose the right strategy
  7. No monthly feesWe charge a flat fee per strategy executed per day.
  8. Paper tradingPaper trading is the concept of virtual trading not involving real money. We can experiment with the strategy for a few days with paper trading and only when we are comfortable with the strategy performance we can deploy a strategy. Besides we display unbiased statistical information of paper trading done by our system.
  9. Full controlSome times we have to stop the algorithm from running if it is running with a market condition different from its purpose. We can use the portal to exit the strategy.
  10. Telegram botLive execution details as well as other account details are available to you with our interactive telegram bot.
    Telegram bot of TradeGenie
    Click here to interact with TradeGenie bot

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